femcho* formula
The femcho* formula consists of dance/fitness, girl talk, and a confidence-building compliment.
Our guided femcho* girl-talk is a discussion that takes place in a safe and nurturing environment. Girls reflect and listen, and learn skills to show respect and compassion. Specific femcho* programs determine the topics discussed.
The femcho* program is brought to your location. It is offered in schools, libraries, community centers, parks, or any place where girls, ages 5 to 18, have organized meetings.
One of our trained and experienced femcho* facilitators will come to your location. We will provide femcho* bracelets, Girl Scout badges, appropriate music, and speakers.

Our relationship with the Girl Scouts is very important to us. We offer and have designed our own femcho* programs for Daisies to seniors.
The femcho* company will provide certified facilitators and professional development for faculty.
Our school programs are tailor made for each and every school. We are available for any grade kindergarten through twelfth grade. We can help create a program that lines up with the school curriculum.
We want to give the girls the tools to be good friends. Good friends make good leaders. We teach the girls how to reflect, listen and learn skills to avoid hurtful behavior that can be detrimental to a school environment. We are results driven for our students to have self confidence.
The program can be an after school activity or summer program. Anyone can set it up! A teacher, event coordinator, and even the P.T.A. We have done a single workshop in the setting of an assembly- our extended programs also include students choreographing their own dances with one of our talented facilitators.